Last modified: 2018-11-26

How to buy the best deals?

It is strongly recommended that you purchase an annual package, which is about 20% off, and also saves the trouble of renewing each month.

How to pay?

For the first purchase, select your package and pay through paypal.
For users who are expiring or paid, you can click renewal button to renew or update your member in your subscription center.

Does it support refunds?

Sorry, unsupported.
AsinSeed offers a lifetime free trial and a monthly free credit (all reverse results) that allows you to fully evaluate the product.

Does it support subscription cancellation?

For credit card automatic subscription users on a monthly basis, you can cancel at any time.
After cancellation, the account validated period is retained until the last day of the payment period.

What should I do if I find that the package is not enough?

Choose an upgrade package and pay.

How do agent user bill?

For agent user and service provider, you can access our API service and consult our CS team.

hehehe 2023-06-27 17:39
We are very sorry, our website is being updated, and the new version will be launched soon, we will invite you to experience it for free.
ali 2023-06-23 21:36
I subscribed to the Standard Plan
But when trying to download the file, only five words are downloaded
Please solve the problem
reply : We are very sorry, our website is being updated, and the new version will be launched soon, we will invite you to experience it for free.
harunobu ninagawa 2022-02-28 12:26
Could you please tell me how can I get a receipt?
I paied by my credit card. I need a receipt to invoice for expense.
Your immediately response would be appreciated. 2020-03-04 15:32
i'm in china, everytime i paid with paypal failed. may i know what's wrong?
reply : You can try to use VPN first. If it still fails, you can contact our customer service directly.